Listen | Prepare | Adjust | Sleep | Recover
Ready When You Are.
Whether you’ve tried to quit or take a break from weed previously or are preparing to do so for the first time.
This is the programme for you.
Drawing on personal experience and the challenges of others we have supported over the years Clearhead presents a unique audio programme designed to meet you and your motivation exactly where you presently are.
Right Here and Right Now.
This is a programme designed to help you make some profound choices when it comes to navigating your relationship with Cannabis.
There is no judgement. The law and mainstream acceptance around Cannabis use has changed dramatically in many countries over recent years, and quite rightly in our view.
Amongst other issues, criminalising a substance so widely used with little choice and less information regarding strength of product to the point where only the strongest strains are commonly available, is at best questionable.
Regardless of legality millions of people use weed quite happily every day until ... for a few of us it just stops working in the way that it used to.
For the first few years of getting high our sense perception is heightened. Music sounds better, colours are brighter, the vibration is stronger.
And yet over time, with prolonged and heavy use many of us find we are using out of habit not to feel good but to numb out, to shield ourselves from regular human emotional responses.
So with overuse Cannabis can become less and less reliable as much of the pleasure is sucked out of it.
Maybe this is the point where we might decide it would be a good idea to a take break or quit, and yet when we try to do this we find it much harder than we thought.
Does this make Cannabis addictive?
Or is it that our minds and bodies have become dependent on something that we have used consistently from a young age to change our mood. Something that almost feels a part of us to the point that we feel very vulnerable when we are without it. Perhaps this is what's known as a psychological addiction.
But how could anybody become truly dependent on something that is only psychologically addictive? A drug or substance that, compared to all we know about opiate addiction or people who have problems with cocaine or alcohol, is not supposed to have any withdrawal symptoms.
And yet whenever I had tried, and so many times failed to quit I found myself sleep deprived, often sweating at night with nightmares. Not eating properly with low mood and full of anxiety.
This short practical programme is designed to give you the tools to succeed in breaking a habit that can keep us stuck long after we may have made the decision to quit, yet struggling time and again through a combination of physical withdrawal, practical issues and psychological addiction.
Why Audio?
When I was smoking weed much as I loved books they did take a long time to read because I was constantly re-reading words, sentences and paragraphs as their meaning didn’t sink in the first time, or maybe even the second or third time.
Not everybody enjoys reading but we can all listen and understand and hit the play-back button.
An audio book makes our message more friendly, human and accessible.
Take a listen to the audio snippets of each chapter to see what you think.
Lastly a crucial aspect of your purchase of this audio programme will be the sleep hypnosis recording designed specifically to help you get some sleep during those early days and nights of withdrawal.
This is as well as speaking a powerful message about your relationship with weed to your resting unconscious mind every time you listen to it.
Take Action
To move forward you can: