"I’m not telling you it is going to be easy.
I am telling you it’s going to be worth it!”
Art Williams

For most people physical and emotional withdrawal is part of the process of quitting weed.
In this chapter the programme offers practical advice to help you get through as many or as few of the withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing.
Different people will have a different experience of withdrawal as the Cannabis compounds leave the body. Much depends on how long and how much you have been using as well as your individual metabolism.
Other factors might include what you have been using weed for...
• To help you sleep...
• To manage depression and anxiety.
• To shield from uncomfortable feelings and emotions
• Or just what you use to get you through your day...Every day.
All of these will affect your experience of withdrawal but remember many, many, people have been where you are as you go through those early days and nights of quitting and have broken through toward a new personal peak of emotional and physical wellbeing.